uunix & Microsoft©
  • The majority of new PCs come pre-supplied with it.
  • The majority of business servers are running it.
  • The majority of home users are using it.
So the odds are, you yourself are running some version of Microsoft Windows©.
For all the claim that Linux will take over the desktop, this is very doubtful.
Obtaining a company to support Windows©, is certainly not hard, in all probability 99% of support companies will support Microsoft Windows©. Most are very professional and know their stuff, but be aware, that there is a lot more to any version of Windows© than a lot of support companies are aware of.
We are based in Stourbridge and offer Microsoft© support for small businesses. We can automate life and fully unleash the power of your investment.
Even With the release of Server 2012© and Windows 8© around the corner, the time for an upgrade should be carried out when you are ready and with as little disruption as possible.

Give us a call on (01384) 261 734 or use the contact page for more info.
General: enquiries @
Sales: sales @
Technical: support @
Mozilla.0.0 - Desktop Device